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I mentioned that I had gotten some animations finished last week, but only needed to add FX and sounds.  

Well I did that this week, and so now there is another sex scene between Meridiana and the cultists.  I'm also working on a threesome animation as well.  I almost always have them finish inside her, but now that I've got the tools built for it, I'm gonna end the animation a little differently this time...

I also have the scene for the Korvald guest appearance done.  It currently ends with him asking you for help, and so all I have left to do is some camera work, and the epilogue IF you help him.  I think down the line I'll have him give you an "extra reward" for helping.  
I do also want to have him give you a new power set, but I need to work that out.

I think I'm making fair progress as far as adding new scenes.  I'm trying to make that a point of focus.

I do want to spend a little time working on new game play areas(rooms), and to flesh out a few magic types better/more.  So I will try to do a little bit of that before Halloween.

That's it for this week, I hope everyone has a wonderful week, and stay safe!



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