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This week I knocked some more stuff off the list!  I managed to get the next cutscene I wanted to work on blocked out, and now I just need to get the animations done!
(Of course that's the hard part!)

I've also finally gotten somewhere with the costume for the male cultist.  I'm trying to make sure I can have a similar costume for both the make and females, and I had a bit of a hard time coming up with something.   I've got most of it down, and blocked, and I think I'll have something to show sooner than later!

I also(as seen above) started working on another sex animation for the imps.   Despite their small size, the pose probably wouldn't work in real life, but I don't have much DP, and I'm saving some of the better poses for some sexier enemies!

I also went back and added some FX to some existing animations, hoping to spice them up just a little bit.  I'm probably gonna do this for a few more where it fits!

Overall the week was fairly productive, but I'm gonna have to speed things up with the creating animations to get things done in a timely manner!

Thanks for the support, I hope everyone has a safe and wonderful week!



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