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This week my top priority was getting out a new game build.

So early in the week was spent building, testing, and then uploading that build(Uploading takes like a day my internet is garbage)

The build did end up having a few bugs, but I really wanted to get it out there.

You can see it here:


I then spent the all of Wednesday and Thursday squashing bugs and fixing the stuff that didn't work in the build.

  • Fixed tooltip formatting issues
  • Fixed interaction issue that I created last week.
  • Fixed frozen enemies not reporting to manager
  • Added killzones to all combat rooms so enemies can't fall through floor and F things up.
  • Fixed turning enemies into chickens not reporting to manager
  • Set up manager to catch non reports of enemies when they are destroyed.
  • Fixed power drain on Voodoo, Fire Breath, and Laser
  • Fixed rooms not opening after enemies defeated
  • Fixed Melee(knife) moving player through walls to attack enemies
  • Fixed enemies so they don't fall through floor nearly as often.

Once all that was done, I put together a short video for twitter.

I then made myself take a little two day break, but I'll be back at it tomorrow!

I hope everyone checks it out, and have a safe and wonderful week!


Sorceress' Tale on Twitter: "New Game build is up!https://t.co/QMQbaOvr1Dhttps://t.co/1cdmSnycaL pic.twitter.com/RfNkNO06zo / Twitter"

New Game build is up!https://t.co/QMQbaOvr1Dhttps://t.co/1cdmSnycaL pic.twitter.com/RfNkNO06zo


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