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Hope everyone had a wonderful holiday, and welcome back!

Over the break I continued to work on level and character animation.

I worked it out and when I bring a new character into the game, there are about 30 animations that they need, plus whatever attacks and sex animations the character might have, AND any specialty stuff.  

I managed to knock a big chunk of those out, but still have a ways to go.   On the generic human male, any future human male enemies will use the bulk of those animations, so they'll only require new sex animations and attack animations after this is done.

Also spent sometime working on the dungeon level.  A spent some time finishing the level, but also working on the cosmetic parts of it.

Just to remind people, I stream on picarto. Right now its typically Mondays and/or Tuesday  from around 8/9 eastern to whenever.  Please stop by!

I hope everyone has a wonderful week, and stay safe!




Looks like you got a TON of work done - great job!

Jacob Hart

SO ready for the next update