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This week is another not super exciting week.

I continued work on character animations, but also took a bit of time to continue some work on the dungeon map as well.

With the animations I've tried to use some motion capture with mixed results.  In the end, many of the generic enemy animations are much faster just to hand animate, as opposed to cleaning up motion capture data.

The tool I use creates data from video, and its pretty good at it, but it'll be a while before its as good as a suit!

The dungeon area needs a little more set decoration, and then its going to lead into a section with different rooms like the test I did with the pyramid interior.  I do plan to go a bit more wild with the size and shape of the rooms, however.

I always take the last week of December off, and I don't think I'll be posting anything on the 24(besides maybe a quick Merry Christmas!), but I will be working this week.

I'll definitely see you after the new year, I hope everyone has happy holidays, and stays safe!




Thank you for the progress report, yet you are making good progress and it really pleases! Happy Holidays!


Looks Great,Happy New Year!