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Big snow storm here this week end!  I'm in the Western NY area, and South of me got a a few feet of snow.  Luckily my area is right along the Niagara River, so it kinda keeps things calm for us and I only got about a foot of snow!

I wanted to show off/talk about going back and finishing up the implementation of the dirt and grime stuff.
I had previously added it in so you could get dirty, but now I went back and made sure this dirt persists though different levels.  At this point the only way to get rid of it is to take a bath or otherwise get wet.

I'd love to make it a little more complicated in the future, where bathing is the only REAL way to get rid of it, but I think its complicated enough for now.

The only downside to the decal system I use, is that its very difficult to remove specific decals, so when you bath, I can't remove the decals as you wash the different body parts.  As it stands I have it set up so the dirt is visible until you've completed bathing, then it goes away.   I'd like to fine tune it, but this might be another instance of good enough for now.

Let me know where you when you think the dirt should disappear!

That's what I wanted to show off this week!

Thanks so much for the support, I hope everyone has a wonderful week, and stay safe!



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