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This week I mostly worked on bug fixes, and setting up some reusable helper functions.    

I spent the better part of the week just correcting a few bugs you guys were gracious enough to point out.  I really appreciate it, so thank you for letting me know when something isn't working right.

After that i worked on setting up some helper classes just to make things easier in the future.  These were focused around finding and choosing the best target infront of the player/camera/enemy/etc.

My future plan is to have the game constantly making the player aware of what actions they can take on the various enemies and objects they are currently looking at.   While the game will currently prompt the player when they can charm an enemy, this will be a little more generic and work on more things in the future.  For example, prompting when you have a target to make your charmed companions attack.

I know this isn't super exciting stuff, so I also implemented a new animation.  While it doesn't really have much context right now, its something new in there!

As always please share any questions, concerns, etc!



omg Yuri I'm so happy ~ Can't wait for more


Still coming along great. Looking awesome.