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Last week I released a new game build:


This week, I took a day or two to kinda decompress and wait for some feedback from the build, so I could make some adjustments.

There was a bug around respawning, that I THINK I've corrected.  When you move to a new level, it tells you which spawn point in that level to use, but it wasn't doing so when you died.  This was causing players to sometimes spawn in weird locations after dying.

There has also been a teleportation bug that would sometimes teleport the player to the wrong location or out of the map, and I made some corrections to fix that as well.  Now in those instances where there is an error with the teleport location, it won't teleport the player at all.

Some people have noticed the pretty big hiccup when its building the pyramid level.  This isn't an optimization issue, but an issue with a missing loading screen.  I've made sure the screen loads properly now.

I also took some time to work on some animations so I can add another character into the game.  

I'm going to focus on trying to get a few more characters completed and in game, so I can start filling in the different areas with the proper enemies for those areas. 

Thanks so much for your support, and I hope everyone stays safe!



<p style="color: #008600;">Well...fixing bugs in a timely manner is a sure way to create quality game content! Well done</p>