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I kept pretty busy this week, despite the holiday!

I spent a lot of time that would end up KINDA being wasted(I learned a lot so it wasn't a complete waste) trying to set up decals on the skin of characters.

This is something that I really want to implement, as it can be really good for.....  things, and stuff.   In the end I couldn't get the splotches to work quite right. I spent a LOT of time trying to figure it out, too.  

The reason I saw it ended up being a waste, was the day after I saw someone had designed a much lighter(computationally) more modular system to do the same thing, so as soon as they make that available in the store, I'm just gonna grab that.

I've continued working on a cave level.  Its kinda slow going, as level design isn't my strong suit, but I would like it to be interesting!  I've been showing off pieces of it on the discord, and here are a couple more sneak peaks.

Trying to continue to make spell casting easier, I've added descriptions of the spells to the spell menu, so now it will explain what the spell does.  I forgot to grab a screenshot of it, but its working now I promise

Finally I've been wanting to improve the charm graphics and how things look, make it a little more exciting.  I done want to change it mechanically, just make it more on theme.  So I've starting playing around with some ideas related to that.

So far I've added a little ghost effect, I do plan on expanding it quite a bit, but I don't want to put to much focus on it until I've added some more content!

Outside that I've been continuing to work on my modeling skills, and trying to concept out and build new characters/enemies.

I do think I'm going to focus more on getting some new models done on the next few weeks, so expect to see that soon!

Thanks so much for the support, and have a safe and wonderful week!



As seen, you've made a lot of progress during this time and it's really great that you are working on improvements in level design, graphics and much more. Looks awesome!

Purple Witch

Hey there! Always love your updates, and seeing your progress! Also, the ghost effect is soooo cooooooooool! Stay safe, and enjoy life <3