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I was starting to feel a lot of burnout this week, so took some time to try other things.  

In order to help with some of the decision making I'm doing, I took a look at a couple similar games play wise, to feel out their controls and see if anything fits.

I played a bit of Red Dead Redemption 2, and oh man the controls in that game are terrible.  I learned a lot about what I don't want to do analyzing that.

I also looked at Control, and that seems like a much closer fit.  There is definitely some ideas that are similar that I can learn from there.  That game seems to fit a lot more closely. 

I did rework some stuff so that its much easier to swap abilities on the fly, both for melee and the aimed abilities.  

As you can see here, I swapped out the dagger attack for an updated more mobile version of the fire breath. (It needs some animation work on the movement)

Given how out of it I've been feeling, I'm going to take a week off to try to shake it all off, I might get some stuff done, but I don't think I'll be updating next week.  

So I'll see you guys on the 18th!

Have a safe and fun week!


Fire Breath Improved

Been trying to make certain spells more mobile. I made some changes to how things work under the hood, and was able to put this together. It needs a different base animation, as the current movement animation doesn't blend well with the breath attack animations. https://www.patreon.com/Mithos56 (NSFW)



Happy 4th July! Glad to hear from you! Well, yes, the controls in Red Dead Redemption 2 are not the best, you are right., And yet I'm glad that you found a better game.