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After making a few more adjustments, I did end up getting a new test build out this week.


I've taken some time afterwards to record feedback, and kinda jot down ideas as to where to go based on that feedback.     

The most immediate thing seems to be more spells, specifically more LETHAL spells, so that's where my focus combat wise is going to go next.   I spent some time working on new spells, as well as making some small adjustments to allow new different types of spells to exist in the future.

Otherwise my immediate plan while I work out the final combat stuff, is to get back to creating new areas and new enemies.  As well as filling out the dialogue and cutscene stuff for the tutorial level.

I wanted to thank anyone who took the time to give feedback, I know it isn't your job to test, but I really appreciate the help in trying to make something fun and interesting.

Have a safe week, and thanks so much for the support!



you could, and of course i mean "could" take a hentai games approach to storyline, creators like oneone1 make the games so your heroine changes as events happen in the game, you can turn her insto a deviant or almost finish the game as a virgin. game play is simple and fine (take in consideration i dont develop games so i dont know what i am talking about) i would say make the stealth "more better", the gun i would go with dual revolvers, and limit the gun play to like a Devil may cry system, 4 guns and then upgrade at shops with points, magic needs to be fluid, the more powerful the spell, then the more elements you would have to link up, make elements mix like water + earth = mud and mud would slow down enemies, fire+water= steam (this could be useful in machinery in the game) stuff like that tho, FINALLY, THIS IS STILLL A FANTASTIC GAME!!! AND CANT WAIT TO SEE IF FINISHED!


some recommendations: (again just an opinion) fire+water = steam, if you had a spell upgrade system then you could up the power of "steam" and then make cloud and then rain clouds and have a farmer side mission that requires you to upgrade the spells to make rain for the crops, then the farmer gives you some sort of treasure this is just and example tho water+earth= mud and so on till you make "thin mud" that sinks enemies down, ALSO enemies with armor that take more gun hits or the classic "knock the helmet of" and then headshot the enemy..


sorry caffeine kicked in again! GAME OVER scenes when defeated! and i know this is all too much and sooo premature so apologies again!


You are really doing a worthy job, brother! Your plans for the next update are impressive!