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This week wasn't as productive as I would have liked, but I did get some stuff done.

There is no new animation this week, as I focused on doing an optimization on the AI, and setting up some changes to Meridiana's skeleton that I needed to get done before she has too much animation done.

The AI changes were basically on how the enemies are notified when they've sighted the hero character.  Previously, each enemy would do a check about 30 times a second to see if the hero was in their visible and aural range.  If so they would do their alert AI stuff.

Since the hero does their own checks every turn for enemies in range, I've done a little optimization where the hero will notify the enemies that she is their visible range.   This means that when the hero is way outside their range, the enemies will not being doing any additional checks every frame.

While this alone is not a gigantic savings, I think little stuff like this can add up pretty quickly.

I've also gone back in and retopologized, textured and and skinned Meridiana's belt and bag.  I originally didn't do this because I just wanted to get the model in game.  But it is an accent that I like, and I think it adds some character. 

It did require its own bones so it can move and bounce, so if I was going to add it, I needed to do so sooner than later. 

Luckily, because the new bones are tertiary bones, none of the old animations are effected.  The bag won't move in any of them, but I don't have any broken animation, and all new animation will have the belt and bag moving around.

The big progress was getting the beginning of the stealth system implemented.  Enemies will no longer try to initiate a sex animation when they catch Meridiana.  Instead, she must sneak up on them to do so.  If she moves too quickly, they will hear her, and if they see her, they will try to attack(albeit with no animation!). 

She will next need a stealth movement so that you can sneak up on enemies and hide a little better.

Sorry there isn't a lot visually or anything lewd this week, sometimes these updates aren't going to be very flashy!

Of course, you can message or email me with any thoughts or questions.  I love to hear them!




Hey, I made 3d games in the past too. So right now I only do 2d games (check my patreon if you like ;3 ) Anyway, about enemy ai, first off I would first check if the enemy is in range which is rather fast to render. I wouldn't activate enemy ai on a certain distance, and not check for the player over another distance. It's actually more fun, if the enemy doesn't run towards you from 20 miles away and it makes level design much easier as enemies don't stream towards you from over edges on far/close away platforms. Also you don't need to check every frame because it's normal for entities to have a reaction time. So checking every 1 or 2 seconds is more than enough. But it seems you solved that anyway. Quick solutions for this would be if you have 30-60 enemies per level let one enemy do 1 check per frame and advance in the list each frame (I prefer fixed timelimits thought) or let packs of ten do a check every 0.5 seconds. Just my five cent. Keep up the great work. Can'T wait for the xxx. Big fan of extreme xxx like tentacles all the way through and multi pen and so on :) Oh, one more thing. If you publish executeables, also add one for 32bit systems. 64bit files run only on few computers :S


I will certainly rembered to publish a 32bit executable in the future. You're right, I start with a check to see if there is a target within a certain distance. In my case, I let the player do the check so there is actually only one check every frame instead of one for each enemy. In this case though, it's not frame perfect and more like 30 checks per second. I can increase or decrease that as much as I like. Enemies don have a delay where if they see the player, but only for a glance, they won't go to high alert immediately. They will wander over to the spot they think they saw or heard you to investgate, however. Different enemies can have different r w action times in this respect, and different aural and visual ranges. We'll see what we can do for the lewd stuff. I generally don't like things to get too rediculous, but tentacles are definitely in.


Even when it's not so visual I enjoy hearing about the creative process. ^^ So... Am I right with what I think I've been hearing from this? That the monsters are actually getting rapped by the protagonist and absorbing their mana? Or at least gains mana from it? Sounds like the enemies attack you on sight and that sex is done via sneak attack on them... So ninja sex is confirmed?


This is rad!


Nice to see the belt and bag in, really adds to her whole outfit.


The enemies are seduced by Meridiana, and in doing so she steals magic power from them. The enemies will generally attack on sight, although there will be some scenarios where they don't start off aggressive.


If we support your game at what level are game alphas offered?


at $5 dollars you'll get access to the latest builds as I release them. My aim for that is about 1 a month. I will however release occasional builds to the public, and some of the builds released to the $5 dollar tier will be released to the $1 tier about a month later.