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Someone had asked about seeing her wireframe and about how I rigged her vagina, so here is a brief overview.

Also Happy New Year!




Woo! Happy New Year to you too and thanks a bunch Mithos! Very cool read! You may be among the first guys on the internet to have put a tutorial on this subject.... So you know... Kudos. But yeah bud it's cool seeing what I call the "pornographic" (wiremesh topology) details on your character. I absolutely love seeing the work you got on this. ^^ Your character may be a bit too resource heavy depending on the scope of your game you want to make but your topology is excellent! Also the rigging is really nice. I would like to hear what some of those extra bones in the breasts are up to some point. ^^ My guess is that they have something to do with their squishiness: Dunno if it's too late for this but if you are looking for an idea of how to go REALLY crazy with the jiggle physics then here's a video of one game's rigging demonstration (It's in Japanese but after reading the comments and the video you'll get the idea.) <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nU-_uPBsbYo" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nU-_uPBsbYo</a> Thanks again for this and all your awesome updates in general. ^^


the extra joints in the breasts are there to correct any interpenetration that her top might cause.


Wowwie! That's a lot. Sorry mate if I caused any insults with the the commenting on your poly budget. That was coming from a guy which has had a 1400 triangle and a 512p texture limit for his projects for the last 2 years so I'm a tight wad. ^^ But yeah just had a quick look see at some of the the AAA game titles' triangle counts and some of those titles have cleared the 100,000 which is just insane! But yeah I guess the biggest strain as far as character creation nowadays is having too many materials and having too many call instances on textures. Anyways thank you again for this update. I found it very informative and as always looking forward to what you put out next!


No problem at all! From what I understand, you're correct. Draw calls and materials are the bottlenecks now a days! Still, I do try to be reasonable with the poly count, but this character has to be able to deform fairly well! ;)