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This week wasn't overly exciting.  I continued to work on some backlog animations.(All enemies in game can jump now, for example).
I also continued to work on different particle systems for some goopy effects, some of them to more success then others.

I also spent some time this week mapping out what sorts of props I might need in the game for the various environments I have planned.  So even if I don't have my tablet, I can get the basic models started in maya, ready to finish in zbrush when I have my tablet back.   

Overall it was a busy week, but not a super exciting one, which happens sometimes.  I'm thinking of taking a week off some time in the next month, just to get refreshed, but I want to get at least a few really cool things done before that!

Hope everyone who had a holiday weekend had a safe and fun one, and every else stay safe as well!



Take a break if you need my dude, you're making a great product and I'd hate for you to burn out on it


It is probably really better to take a few days off to refresh yourself a bit. Have a good rest!