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This week I've continued to work on slowly filling out the missing animations on the enemies.  Currently I'm slowly building all of the enemy jump animations so I can eventually have them quickly move up or down areas, or cross small ledges.

But the bigger thing I've been working on is finally getting vertex animation into Unreal Engine.  

Vertex animation is animation right on a mesh, without some time of skeleton driving it.  The benefit is you can make strange shapes and such, and its fairly light to compute.  
The animation is driven by the mesh's material, and its usable in particle systems.   A common use is to drive motion in say, a school of fish or insects.

Its also perfect for goop, and that's what I'm using it for first!

I've finally found some scripts that allow vertex animation to be exported from software I have access to legally in a rather compact way, and I've spent most of the week testing that out.

and in Unreal Engine

Needless to say I'm really excited about this, and while I won't be doing nothing but this in the coming weeks, I do want to take a little time to fill in some missing particle systems!

Sad news is my tablet seems to be breaking again, so I need to send it in for repair.  The Wacom mobile studios seem to sometimes have an issue with battery expansion(at least the early ones do)that pushes the screen out,  but they've been good about repairing it.  

So I'll be without a tablet and unable to do any sculpting for a bit.  I'm gonna try a bit in medium, and see how that goes, cause sculpting is relaxing for me.

That's about it for this week.  Hope everyone is staying safe!



The sculpting really calms, I agree. I hope you succeed and the problem with the tablet resolves soon.


when is a new buld being released?