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This is an update to the earlier animation build that I posted last.  It has a few additional animations, and you can press the SPACE BAR to cycle through them.  It does stop at the last one, however.   Left click with the mouse to zoom the camera, and right click with the mouse to crouch Press ESC to exit.

If you have a rift DK2, can you please test it with this.  Apparently there is no magic settings I need to do to make this rift compatible, but I only have a DK1, so there is no way for me to try it out. 

To test it with the rift, all you SHOULD need to do is have the rift plugged in and on, and then put the demo into full screen by clicking alt + enter.  If it doesn't work, please let me know.  If it does work, please let me know and let me know if its cool at all.

P.S. This is an animation demo, I was making some animations to test deformation, and I thought this would be something you guys would like to see.  If you want to know how I did anything, ask away!  I'm more than happy to explain it and post any relevant blueprints.



Hi! I'm a new member of your Patreon. ^^ Really excited about your work. Very curious what you are planning gameplay wise once you get the sex mechanics squared away. I have many things I would suggest for blueprints if it is not too much a hassle. I'm a relatively new 3d artist myself and I would love to see how you rigged your character and setup the collisions . Specifically I would love to know how you set up the genitals. This prolly makes me come off as a creep but this is a subject NOONE covers in tutorials due to censorship and I'm very curious on how you have done such a nice job. I would love to see your topology on your figure as well. Just in general you have me very impressed and I want to know your secrets!


Hey Henry, I'm still working on all the mechanics, and the gameplay stuff is actually what I'm focusing more of my attention on then the sex stuff so far. I'd be more than happy to hear blueprint suggestions, and definitely tell me what you want to see. The rigs are certainly something I can go into more detail on. I'll see f I can put something together, but right I can say that I start with an auto rigger called advanced skeleton for maya, and then modify it to suit what I need.


Don't have a rift, but everything was running swimmingly on my setup.


Okay, tested with my Oculus Rift DK2. It works great, but the lighting could be better when viewing it in the OR, it's very bright when there is light and dark when there isn't much, since the pixels on the screen is visible I think it's part of the problem though, makes it harder to see details. Also zoom doesn't work obviously, so it's hard to get close, sort of stops at the rope and can't get closer. Would be nice if crouching could be gradual, where you adjust how high and low you go with maybe ctrl and space, and move the next animation key to something else. Also, is there any default "Reset tracking" key in UE ? or do you have to add that ?


I don't know, and I'll have to look into it. I'm glad to know that it works, and I think the lighting as a whole is maybe not that great. I did set the crouch up as a gradual crouch, but I can slow it down if need be, but I may have misunderstood how the positional tracking is working. I assumed you could duck down and lean forward with the rift dk2. I'll look into some corrections!


Oh! Changing ducking to a toggle shouldn't be to hard at all!


Not just a toggle, but when you let go, if you are only halfway down you stop there.