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I had to take a little time this week to deal with some fallen tree branches(some really big fallen tree branches), but otherwise had a productive week

I did make some adjustments to the controls based on the feedback I asked about last week, and this has left us with a couple of extra buttons.

I'm thinking about using them to set up hotkeys for spells, but I also have other ideas around taking two spells, and expanding them out more, so I'm going to be looking at which spells are the most fun and should be expanded out.

I also started building out the enemy encounter area of the tutorial level in earnest.  I've been spending a bit more time on planning it to make it more possible to stealth through at least some sections of it, as opposed to immediately drawing attention from all enemies.  (Unless you use the gun, that's probably gonna draw some major attention!)

I'm also looking to create some idle animations for the various monsters, to give them something to do while there's no player, besides wander around on patrol.  We'll see how that goes.



Well, in general, you have great plans, I also think that the idea of creating animation for monsters is a great thing.