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This build contains what I've got so far of the tutorial level, with a little Halloween secret bonus area.  Said bonus area has a few new animations.

I've also added a temporary spellbook, so you can look up what spells you have.


Its not super exciting, but I'm really happy with some of the animations!

Let me know if there's anything you really liked, or anything you really hated!

edit - For some people the barrel in the puzzle section gets stuck, if that happens just use push on it to loosen it up!



Where is the secret located? I'm bored looking for it after i completed the gunshot event.


Hi so in the area after you move the barrel at the entrance how do you move the other barrel in the caged place, I tried pushing it multiple ways it didn't work and I can't even walk in the area


Walk up the steps and throw a bomb down the twisted broken railing. If the barrel gets stuck, use push to knock it loose


Thanks, it worked!