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I spent the earlier part of this week responding to feedback, and then focused on making a few changes based on that feedback.

Some people with non english keyboards seem to have some trouble changing the different stages of the love animations.   So I've finally changed the keys to do so.  The animations stages will now be changed with A and D, or with the d-pad on a controller( left and right).

I've also changed the way the different useable abilities are set up.   Now, the dagger will always be mapped to the same attack button, and the shield will always be mapped to the same block button, and the active ability will be set to Q.  Instead of a wheel to choose the active ability, four quick swap slots are available to so you can quickly switch between a few different abilities.

Because the wheel is no longer there, I was able to move the spellcasting menu to TAB.  I also plan to implement a simple spell casting system that uses menus, for people that have issues with drawing the symbols, or prefer a controller.

Once I was done with those changes, I moved back to building some more environmental stuff, mainly finished off most of the tiling brick wall.   Tiling textures aren't something I have a lot of familiarity with, and I think this turned out fairly well despite that.

I've got a few more changes I plan to make, mostly based on the feedback I've gotten, but also just some stuff I noticed.  

I hope everyone is beating the heat, its been giving me headaches all week!

Thanks again for the support, and please feel free to keep giving feedback if you've got it!



Yop Mithos, possible to add in future an option for customize keyboard controls ? Thanks ;)


yeah, once the controls are all set in stone and I feel like everything is super comfortable, I'll work on getting customization done as well!


Can you bring the god mode in options menu?.. I love it :)


when can we see the new stuff in the next demo? 2-3 months? and maybe add a re-spawn feature for mobs in game? since after they're dead there's nothing to do.


amazing job so far. maybe a zoom function could be implemented?


I'll look into that, after they're dead, its meant to be the end of the tutorial level, and I'll have some dialogue if everything goes as planned.


sounds good. with everything i've seen on the updates can't wait to see the more of world your building and the story.