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Happy Mother's Day!!!!

Busy week!

I managed to get the village girl's textures and retopo completely done.  There were a few parts that were a bit higher poly then I wanted, so I had to go back and retopologize those parts.  Once that was done I was able to get her textures all baked out.

I showed more pictures to patrons earlier this week, but those aren't appropriate for public posts!

I also experimented with showing Meridiana's equipped weapon, or at least some of her gear on the model.  I started the test with her knife, as its something that the player will always have.   

I made a sheath for it, and got it positioned how I'd like it.   Not sure if I'll be keeping it there, or swapping it out or what, I need to do some more tests on stuff.

As you can probably see in the above, I added a new ability that involves a wand.   This is my first attempt to use the previous logic I wrote for aimable weapons that can repeat fire.  It seems like an easy thing to do, Unreal was made for guns after all.  With my set up, however, it was a little more work to get it working smoothly.

Finally, I was trying to tweak the melee abilities, to make them feel better for the player.  This mainly resulted in me speeding them up.  However I noticed because the animations are so quick, the physics would sometimes fail to register hits.  As this is the opposite of fun, I implemented a hit detection system that I heard about through Chivalry.  In this system, traces are done to see if anything is between the last position of the weapon, and the current position.  Its a lot more accurate, and allows for fast animations.   

Luckily, it ended up being faster to write then I had feared, and implementation seemed to go off without a hitch.  

All and all I got a lot done this week, and I'm excited to keep working!
Thanks again for the support, you guys have a great week!


Wand test

https://www.patreon.com/Mithos56 A quick test of the "gun" type system for my game. Making a weapon fire repeatedly is generally pretty simple, but this was me modifying a combo system to loop back around for multiple shots without having to zoom out. It also keeps track of ammunition both in the weapon and in the inventory. I wanted to keep it simple to start though, so this weapon (a wand) uses no ammo and does not need to be reloaded. You can also see the knife I added to the small of Meridiana's back. Hopefully I'll use that soon as well!


That One Guy Who Never Pledges

The aimable weapons look like they work well enough, although the animation for casting looks kinda wonky. I'm guessing that's just a placeholder though, and later each spell will have its own casting animation. Melee looks cool too, and the sheath looks nice. Dunno about the placement of the sheath though, as far as I'm aware they're usually worn on either side of the waist, and as a bonus it wouldn't block the view of Meridiana's booty.