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This week, my big focus was getting a new mini build out, once that was done, I took a little time to upgrade the version of unreal.

A new mini build was released for the $5+ patrons.  It contains the sex scene between Meridiana and the Hobgoblin, as well as the changes I've been making recently.  Its a mini build, just to keep the file size down, so its not super exciting as far as gameplay goes.  


Once I got that up, I focused on adding in some of the quality of life stuff people had been asking about.   

The first thing I focused on was combat movement.  When using some attacks(mostly melee) Meridiana will now lock onto her target, and stay focused on them.  This lock can be disabled by moving away from a target, or selecting a new enemy.

I'm not super happy with the old animations I'm using for the movement, but I can adjust those a bit later.

I also took some time to test how the game would handle an engine upgrade, and it seems to work fairly well.

With the addition of a new particle system, and some new free assets available to the newer versions of the engine, I felt like it was a good time to see if I could upgrade.  I was able to purchase a few environment packs that will help me get some levels finished up, with out having to spend too much time building environment assets.  

Of course I'd want to replace the environment stuff with my own stuff eventually, but given its a one man project, for now being able to save a little time really helps out!

(The lake one is maybe not such a great fit, but I like the dock and water assets)

I'm starting to pick up steam again after a pretty crummy February, and hopefully this can be a really cool March!

I'll also try to stream a little more on Picarto, so keep an eye out for me here: https://picarto.tv/Mithos56 



One word: Wow!!!


So will this build become available to the rest of us soon?