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Another productive week!   

I started by getting the basic hobgoblin implemented with a basic attack.  I still need to focus on some variations of him, but he's basically ready to go. 

I also added a few animations to the enemy command ability, so that its clear what's going on.  Meridiana will now point at the target, and the enemies will nod that they've received the command.

I also worked on some new animations that will be implemented down the line.

I've also started to work on some villagers.  I did a few before, but I really wasn't happy with how they've turned out, and I've gotten a bit better at modelling since then.  Since they never got farther then models, I've decided to start reworking things a bit.

Chubby village girl:

(I'm not sure about the bangs yet!)

I did also take some time to address a few bugs, and update a few systems as well.

Staying busy and making progress!

Plan is to get some sort of test build out this month, even if its just interaction with the new Hobgoblin.



nice work :0 are you doing this all alone ? was always wondering


Wow great job man


Hi, I would like to thank the developer for the work done, I am delighted that you alone cope with everything, it deserves respect. I specifically registered to thank you and ask a couple of questions: 1) I know that this question is difficult to answer, but when will the game come out? 2) I would like to be your patron in the amount of 10 dollars Will I be able to access game prototypes? if so, how do i get access? Do you send me a game file by mail or what? I apologize in advance for bad English, I'm from Russia :)


+1 Same here, and another question, I want to give some money for support, but not every month, I don't see how! (Newbie here) Is that possible or I am like a cheap stingy bastard? I would love to access your Discord too. Anyway, awsome work, I will certainly buy your game when it will be finish, thank you for your work

Greg Boham

Do you ever plan on making some sort of canine enemy? maybe a werewolf?


I do plan on it at some point, but for this chapter I'm focusing on goblins, with maybe a few forest creatures here and there. (Not charmable forest creatures)

That One Guy Who Never Pledges

I love how exaggerated that kick animation is, gonna absolutely destroy the nuts of any male character foolish enough to stand in her way.