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I added a few spells/attacks this week, and then focused on some accessability stuff.

The pig goblin got a new charge attack, which can make him quite deadly.  I already released a video of it. 

After creating the attack, I had to go back and make some adjustments, which I will continue to fine tune.   Initially, he was able to stun lock the player, so now I have him take a moment to taunt you and laugh after a hit, this gives the player a chance to recover.
He also will get stunned and knocked down himself if he hits a wall, giving the player a chance to retaliate.

I wanted to give the player access to some weapon if they are caught without magic, and since the goblin sword is purposely useless, a gave the player access to...... a stick!(Breath of the Wild homage!)  

Its got better range and slightly more damage then the goblin sword.  Of course I'll be adding more weapons as we go, but this was something to get the player started.

Related to both that and charming enemies, I now have tooltips with button proms popping up, so the player knows what button to hit without resorting to a read me.  Just a little quality of life adjustment.

I've also added back in the patrol waypoints, so I can have enemies follow predictable paths instead of randomly walking around.  The player will still need to be quick and sneaky to charm everyone, though!

I've also put a couple spells in, although they need final effects and animations.  I'll be adding quite a few more!

I had wanted to build out a more involved level area, but wasn't able to get to it, so I'll focus on that for next week.  No exciting art, but the basics of a built level. 

Patrons look for a small demo build in the next day or so, if it isn't there by the time this is posted!


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