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This week, I put together animations for and finalized how the hold button attack, and air attacks work in game.

When you have a melee weapon, you can hold the button to do a charge attack, like Link's spin attack.  You can also press attack in the air to do a drop attack, which may have some added effects depending on the weapon.

Sticking with the fire sword, here are the attacks for that:

Not every weapon will have special effects, or be as fancy as these attacks are.  Some might be simple swipes.  In this case, because it is a magic weapon, I though I'd give it some magic effects.

I also put together animations for the dodge ability.  I'm not 100% happy with them, but I am happy with how the dodge works.  I can adjust the animations later!

Next up, the actual spell casting and interaction stuff!



So nice)))


Ok I finally had time to sit down and play with it and I have some thoughts. First, the particle effects look great! I love them, and they're very fitting. I do have some mild concerns about the flight animation in that it's a little too dainty- I think it'd look more dynamic if she was angled slightly more to convey a sense of purposeful movement. The Dash is lovely, it feels really good and looks nice too! I love the fire sword and the charge attack is really cool. It'd be nice if you could move while you swing though, it feels odd to have to stop your momentum entirely to take a swing. I have to say I'm excited for what you come up with next!


Hey thanks for taking the time to check things out, I appreciate the feedback! I'm taking a more Zelda approach with the combat stuff, so its not a lot of movement, outside of the sliding!


so much stuff. wow... thats passion! just scared my pc wont handle the graphics but hey release is still in far future right? xD


It looks fantastic!