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Link your characters below. (imagr, furaffinity, stuff like that)

Suggest a scenario/pose with your OC.

I'll be sketching 4 of them. (and if i really like the sketch I'll go back and color it too!)




https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/12QkUoLHdQW9GrhYQg_nKJx1b7W85bZvt silv pinned against the wall confused/embarrassed, goon showing off his dick (could be clothed/unclothed etc - similar but not quite to this pose https://static1.e621.net/data/sample/b1/05/b1057010d0bbcdaf9d758cb0a430d423.jpg)


https://toyhou.se/22693622.pompkin She was at the nightclub and she looked goon up and down. Leaving her man for him, maybe banging her in a hidden area while she's being looked for. She likes to top but goon is making her act up ♡ have fun with her! ♡