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I decided to do this now close to the end of the month before the next month because I do not know how it would have affected you all  and didn't want to take the risk. 

Patrons that were still in these tiers old tiers should have the "No Tier" status now. Meaning you are still a patron but are tier-less and thus wont have access to anything until you update to the new tier.

 I have been sending mass dms to all of y'all over the past month reminding everyone of the ensuing changes so people can change to the new tier, which is only $2 more than the old bronze tier but has access to everything i have to offer. Both past and future content will be under this one $5 dollar tier, even things like animations whenever I feel like I'm up to the challenge!

I'm thankful for the support I've had so far this year, and I'm surprised at the growth I've had. It's nice being able to do what I love for a living!



This is fair pricing. I am okay with this