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Hello my dears! 💕

Lots going on in the Molly Skyfire Comic Research and Development Lab lately. I am slowly working towards a big, narrative-focused comic down the line, which I have mentioned a few times here and there. For those curious about setting, check out some of the scribblings next to the long-haired jacket-wearing babe there.

However that story will have to wait until Infeel confident in my ability to create it at a smooth pace.

You’ll notice two images are of Shiekah and Yiga clan gals - I’m planning a little Zelda doujin as a way to test the methods I want to make comics with. Truth is I still don’t have a workflow or style I am satisfied with when it comes to the unique challenges of a comic. The need for quick turnaround while maintaining quality draftsmanship means my usual tight rendering and detailed execution would be a death-trap for my poor ADHD brain. 🤣 So, I hope to use a couple shorter stories to stretch myself there and find a way that works.

That’s all for now! Much love.

💜 Molly



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