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Hey fam. I hate being the Bad News Bears Brigade, but here it is:

I must sadly announce the end of the Premium and Premium+ tiers, as well as the Patron commission discounts.

I've had so much fun drawing everyone's characters - truly, it's been a highlight of my month making these little surprises and watching y'alls reactions. But the sad truth is that after fees and taxes, I make less than minimum wage for the amount of time it takes to complete them all. In fact, I've been undercharging for my work across the board, forcing myself into perpetual crunch mode. Between that and the extreme life circumstances I've had to weather, I'm exhausted, and I have to admit my limits.

I know this is a bummer, and I apologize for that from the bottom of my heart. But I hope that this will be a change for the better & will lead to more enjoyable art from me as I ease down on the throttle.

Thank you, Premium peeps, for all the support you've given me, and for the incredible fun your characters provided. I hope you've enjoyed the pieces I did for you, and I hope you'll continue to support me at whatever level feels comfortable.




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