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Hello agian you lovely perverts. I wanted to share what I’m planning for the next comic. For a minute I was concepting towards a large-scope story, multiple protags etc., and I realized that was probably too ambitious at this juncture. Still wanting to evoke a Heavy Metal vibe, I came up with the following:

Scope: Eight pages, no dialog, restricted color palette.

Plot: A beautiful, adventurous woman explores alien ruins, meets someone or something there, a spirit or monster or alien of some kind, and sexiness ensues.

Release: Mid to late February, early March at latest.

My inspiration is the late great Moebius’s silent comic Arzach. I won’t necessarily be aping his style, but I hope to take a few queues from the master. I’ve been wanting to paint more ruins and scifi scenery lately, so this will scratch that itch and feed the public/risky fetish a bit too.

Does this sound fun? What kind of place should our heroine explore? Would you be more excited to have her meet another humanoid, or something more exotic? (Tentacles?)



I love the idea!


Sounds very enticing and you can never go wrong with tentacles.