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Another month bites the dust!  It's been a ride. Well, how did things go?

  • The Xtreme Beach Volleyball sale was a hit! Sold out within a week. Expect to see the first pieces from it later this month.
  • Daimons got their reward sketches, and my two Megadaimons will be getting their upgraded rewards later on, so on track there...
  • Lots of commissions were finally started and/or updated! Progress, wow!!
  • I got a project manager!!!!! (He's also my boyfriend. Yes, it's hot. Thanks Grey, ilu.)

I'm going to make some changes this August, nothing huge but here's the breakdown:

  • No streams for now. - Turns out streaming really doesn't go well for my mental health. Tough lesson learned but hey, I learned it. I'll revisit the idea at a later time.
  • No more $5 tier. - I assume the video rewards just aren't interesting, or at least not for the price, so I'm going to save the time and effort and stop producing them. I may reintroduce them at a later time if there's interest.
  • No more working files. - I know this is probably a bummer for some of you, but I need to hang on to them from here out for a multitude of reasons. You'll still get the full resolution finished images, alts, wips, and sketchbook pages. However - if you're curious about my process & want a walkthrough, feel free to ask me any time! I'm happy to help other creatives learn.

That's all for now. Reward download link will be posted soon!


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