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  • BWA_TheConversion_TL.mp4



This was an utter joy to work on. I finally managed to loosen up and play a bit more with color and the results speak for themselves I think!! 

As an added goodie, please find below the time lapse video file. Recording it with CSP turned out to be pretty painless, so starting next month I'll be resurrecting the $5 reward tier that includes the time lapse videos as part of your rewards. Check it out and see if you'd like to sign up to get those in the future!

EDIT: I got some good critique from a friend, so I revisited this piece juuuust a little bit and I think it really improved things. I'm leaving the old version up for posterity tho!




Absolutely love this one! I Love that biblically accurate angles have been catching on recently, cause this one is really 👀


Thank you!! Yeah I'm delighted with it as well, it's a fun trend with a lot of wiggle room for creativity.