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I'm texting this from the refuge that is my mom's place. The power at my home is out again and has been off since 11pm on Wednesday, (thanks thunderstorms) and apparently the electric company won't be able to fix it for about another few days so I may not be able to stream from where I am again.

So this week has just been fun... I should still be able to draw, but I don't know how much.

Welp... its Sunday. The electric company said they'd get it back on yesterday... and they haven't... and they're not giving an estimate. Somebody kill me. 



That sucks to hear dude, hopefully it’ll come back on soon!


The earliest I was told was Saturday Night at 11pm. And I don't really trust that energy company so it might be later for all I know. I'm gonna hope they can fix it by then, if not before.