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So... I just got done with a hectic week. Where my sleep schedule got the worst it's been in months, but there were 2 things that recently hampered my work flow to the Nth degree.

1. My internet service somehow being cancelled by a random person calling in and disconnecting it... (I don't know how something like that can even begin to occur, even tech support was greatly confused.)

2. My computer forcing an update that completely wiped my tablet's drivers leading me to scour the internet to fix it. All this while my internet was down... so I couldn't even try to fix it until just now.

So... yeah, that was fun. But I'm back and will be posting soon. Count on it.

(I honestly don't know how you guys put up with me. It's just one thing after the other with me and I'm just so mentally exhausted all the time.)

I just wanna ask y'all to lower your pledges if you can. I don't want anyone paying too much for something that's so uncertain most of the time. And I don't blame anyone for cancelling either.



Streaming soon?


Next Wednesday or the Sunday after Christmas! I'll stream if it kills me. ...it won't kill me.