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Both a slight notice and a Happy New Year's wishes kind of post!

I'll keep it brief - thank you all for supporting me, without this I wouldn't get even this much capability to draw things I really want to. As shaky and allergic to change this platform is, I might be updating how I do things here in the near future, will keep y'all posted!

Speaking of posts, I'll have to delay one of the suggestion ideas to January, I'm working on another suggestion right now so here's hoping it won't be TWO suggestions delayed into January...

Between personal woes, two car problems back to back a month ago and another big immigration milestone being achieved, it has left my output oscillated with almost regular spillover/delays. In January I need the extra scratch to cover certain costs but I hope I can take a breather in February and catch up with everything then.

Happy new year to everyone, let us all meet our goals in this new period.

Yours truly,



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