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I've cleared October's content early so I can focus on my post-surgery recovery. I'm getting gender-affirming surgery (lipo on various places, BBL) and I'll be out of commission for a while (est. is 6 weeks).

Ideally I should be close to fully recovered by the end of the month but I will have to honor the 6 weeks period which means I'll have to take it easy early November as well. Hopefully I can at least be stable enough to draw again at that time! Ease into things.

Spending the first week out of town where the surgery will take place, got my post-op assessment on the 18th, after that I'll be headed back home.

I'll be posting updates on my twitter @ Alienbuns!

Thank you all for your support, it helps me trucking along 💙



Congratulations! May your recovery not be too much of a pain in the ass!