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I made a mistake while picking the suggestion winners, I conflated Daikian with Sean The Rabbit because both suggested similar ideas and when I cross-checked the submissions and my draft for the announcement, it didn't register in my mind. I listed both as winners while I only meant Daikian.

I in fact left a reply to Sean The Rabbit on the suggestion thread that I'll be going with Daikian's idea for March and then Sean The Rabbit can try again next month. I've messaged Sean privately bringing this to their attention. While I did say I'd try and fit their idea as well, the fact of the matter is I've got two days left to wrap everything up and today I'm catching up with Icarus' suggestion from last month.

Sean was understanding and was fine if I didn't manage to get their suggestion done now.

Keeping up transparency the best I can, thank you for your attention!


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