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People on cooldown are: HighSpeedTacos, IronMaw096, Eyestalk94, Cosmonauta, H_R and Zamboned, SOB4, ChitterCG, Liquid Potato ! Cooldown is two months. Don't see your name here? You're eligible to drop an idea!

I will choose the winners. The better you know me and the things I like, the higher the chance I'll pick your idea!

You can suggest anything ranging from existing media, my OCs or your own OCs but NOT other people's OCs. Even if they are your friends'.

One suggestion per person.

Keep your suggestion to no more than three, normal-sized sentences. Be concise and straight to the point. If you're suggesting an OC, be sure to provide a link to refs (I know that comments don't support links but I'll copy/paste the address).

I provide a theme but it's NOT a requirement, submit your original ideas if you want. This month's theme - clear from a theme this month!

The quality of the image will vary. It is guaranteed to be AT LEAST in monochrome quality.

I won't pick any winners for the first two days. Suggestion thread is officially closed when I make a separate post announcing that.

Post in the comments section below! Have fun!



Dummy thick female Deathclaw from Warhammer Fantasy, that poses her thick ass and ask the riders to ride it.

Based Andrew

My gator, Roxy: https://www.furaffinity.net/view/35836361/ https://www.furaffinity.net/view/32391401/ sitting down on some guy on a bench, grinding her huge, sweaty ass against them with a big, devilish grin on her face.


Since you seem to like unique/monstrous characters, and she seems made for it, how about the "Woman" Nomu from My Hero Academia? She has an ability that allows her to expand her body parts with water out of seemingly nowhere, so what if she did that to, y'know, entice someone? Of course, her idea of enticing would be smooshing them against the wall with her expanding booty.


How about BT squashing an enemy grunt by sitting him?


Dummy thicc Pathfinder being Dummy thicc BT 7274’s pilot, may get squashed, bump butts with each other, or be in the cockpit. A certain blue alien pilot could possibly encounter the duo~ (who knows I’m new to this request thing, but I’m into the pairing~ ;P )