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First June suggestion DONE! You should probably wear eye protection when observing the demonstration!




But if I wear eye protection, I can't observe this weapon in full detail. :(

Liquid Potato

HEHEHEH💦💦 Now that's what the ol' acronym REALLY means! L.A.S.E.R.: Large Ass ... Shuuut Emitting ... Robot? Gahhhhh, real talk, I just looooove how solid n leggy she is, she is packin' some 𝘴𝘦𝘳𝘪𝘰𝘶𝘴 heatsinks back there! Plus, the robo-snoot, shootin lasers out of that dang big toothy maw? Ohmygoshhhhh, that's such fun design! Thanks for choosin' my idea Boris! Absolutely love how it turned outttt, always a joy to see how you work with these concepts~🖤


Lovely laser lbutt


Amazi as always Boris


aha, psychological warfare tactic here-- lure a target into staring at huge boobs\ass, easier to line up shot as canon charges ✨