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Hello, everyone!

I decided to make this update sooner rather than later. I'll build new goals as previous ones get fulfilled so I can realistically estimate what more I can offer to all of my supporters!

First milestone is to help me draw things outside of either commissions or Patreon content. Lots of good ideas that keep springing up but the polls don't quite manage to allow me to output frequently enough.

Which leads me onto the next two goals! The second one will allow me to draw two separate suggestions from each suggestion thread!I may or may not take on more but that's on a case by case basis. But all in all this will increase the output of the stuff supporters directly suggest I draw!

And lastly - two polls in the least for each month!

My current focus is to draw more ideas which overlap with mine and all the patrons'. Setting the price of each milestone is difficult to gauge, because if I low ball them, I'll be overworked for the amount of money I receive. I don't want to make promises I can't keep.

I'll be keeping everyone updated as things go along, thank you again for all of the support, it's been a great help ??



Fairly new but I dream of the day a goal of your is selling statues of your titanfall, halo or OC works.


It'll be something I'll look into! I know people who do 3D printing so it's not too far-fretched...