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Thank you all for your support throughout - all that you have done thus far has helped me grow and able to work on personal projects. I can only hope I manage to provide content to your liking!

I've been thinking about this for a while and I feel confident to make the first step - I am going to evolve this campaign to be more involved with my audience!


$2.50 which will grant access to polls - A simple example would be "Should I draw Character A with these features OR do Character B with those features".

$10.00 doodle reward, limited to two slots - I've been approached about the daily-doodles I've been doing for over a month. Whoever takes these pledges will receive one daily-doodle quality picture as a reward! Binary gendered characters (sorry!) and no designs that are out there (several heads with multi-wings, big as the universe, etc). After fulfilling the pledge to the previous update, you're eligible for one. Once a reference is provided, I'll fit your reward according to my schedule.

The tiers are already live and you can check them out!

More updates and changes to come! I don't wish to rush anything. Here's hoping these additions work out!




Nice !