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Can a bop also be utterly heartbreaking? Turns out, yes. Yes it can. Thanks, Key.


KEY Saturday Night & Bad Love live on MBC Reaction (THIS IS DEVASTATING!!)

Can a bop also be utterly heartbreaking? Turns out, yes. Yes it can. Thanks, Key.


sabina schou

Ahhaha relax honey. He said that he completely made it up. Saturday night is not his own personal experience. But it’s still so sad yea 🤪 don’t kill anyone we need you out of jail!

sabina schou

I totally agree that the whole album is sad. But then at the end song he talks to himself. Instead of focusing on the love for her. He talks to his younger self at the end and it’s like a bitter sweet ending. Like this journey to get over this person. That’s how I see the album.


His performance here was really good. They sure have picked some great songs. Hate That, Yellow Tape, Helium... quite a range. Bad love is a killer as is the choreo.. it's almost up to Taemin level, who is a better dancer but Key is a seasoned performer with a versatile voice. It will be interesting to see how Key develops as a solo artist. Given the comeback has been fairly successful he should get another go. As the brat of Shinee I always cringe when he gives Onew a hard time, so I've taken some impressing. Full marks for effort. Nice work Keyster. I can't imagine how hard he must be working. I just got a SHINee fix watching SHINee「Evil」(from SHINee WORLD 2014 ~I’m Your Boy~)... great fun.. .caution girls taemin forgot his shirt.


Okay, PHEW! I was very much ready to throw hands (and other things) I'll stay on this side of the bars and watch Kpop with you instead😁


I did wonder if Eighteen, being "my eighteen" was himself at 18. Such a moving song. My love for this album just keeps getting stronger

Robin Harris

Yes. More Key and his performances . Key is a softie and stands up for and encourages Onew a lot. Taemin’s solo debut was 7 years ago. I have to remind myself of that when folks start comparing.