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Dear Patrons,

Surprise, surprise! A new update has just dropped! July has barely started and we have already finished our work with Brixel 2.3! It's always nice to be ahead of the schedule! :)

Note #1: Optifine for Minecraft 1.19 is probably about to drop in few days. This Brixel update works fine with the latest pre-release of Optifine and shouldn't have any problems with the final release.

Note #2: We've modified the installation method for Brixel. We don't use .exe file anymore. Instead of that, the resource pack is packed together with the presets in a .zip file. In order to instll Brixel, the .zip file needs to be unpacked inside the main .minecraft folder. Remember to choose "yes to all" when asked about overwriting files. 

Here is the link to the new installation tutorial: https://youtu.be/JTebE9Z0Tik

This update's theme is "Blocks and Redstone". The new Brixel release comes with a variety of different devices, as well as Redstone mechanisms that control them! With over 50 freshly textured and remastered assets, this is one of the bigger Brixel releases, filling most of the "missing gaps" in the pack.

Starting with some of the long-awaited blocks: the Signs are finally here, in all the different versions! And so are Iron Bars, all in our favourite bricky style.

The most interesting new mechanisms new to update 2.3 include the Lever, Pistons, Repeater, Comparator and different Command blocks! Your creative Redstone constructions will finally get this appropriate plastic feel, following the bricky theme of Brixel resource pack!

When it comes to the blocks; your collection of decorative brixels is now expanded with variations of Azalea, Sponges, Concrete Powder in different colours, Lapis Block and more!

The pack is getting closer to the desired 100%. We are extremely proud of this fact and would like to thank each one of you for you continuous support of this great journey. Have some wonderful summer holidays, everyone! :)

Best regards,

Team Wabbabrick


New content:

New blocks

- acacia_sign

- birch_sign

- spruce_sign

- crimson_sign

- dark_oak_sign

- oak_sign

- jungle_sign

- warped_sign

- dried_kelp

- flowering_azalea

- flowering_azalea_leaves

- azalea_leaves

- azalea

- sponge

- wet_sponge

- lapis_block

- brown_concrete_powder

- black_concrete_powder

- blue_concrete_powder

- light_gray_concrete_powder

- light_blue_concrete_powder

- gray_concrete_powder

- green_concrete_powder

- pink_concrete_powder

- orange_concrete_powder

- lime_concrete_powder

- magenta_concrete_powder

- white_concrete_powder

- red_concrete_powder

- purple_concrete_powder

- cyan_concrete_powder

- yellow_concrete_powder

- iron_bars


- piston

- piston_sticky

- lever

- redstone_lamp

- lodestone

- debug_stick

- repeating_command_block

- command_block

- chain_command_block

- repeater

- comparator

- stone_pressure_plate

- trapped_chest_large

- trapped_chest

- observer


- stripped_oak_log

- stripped_birch_log

- stripped_dark_oak_log

- stripped_oak_log

- stripped_birch_log

- stripped_dark_oak_log

- stripped_jungle_log

- stripped_spruce_log

- stripped_acacia_log

- stripped_crimson_stem

- stripped_warped_stem



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