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Hello there, long time no see.

I'm back.

I apologize for being missing on this platform for many many years. At that time, my PC was in the middle of being broken constantly, so I often lose my drawing progress, my video rendering progress, BSODs, etc and it makes me unable to drawing leasurely and giving you guys proper reward.

cue on 2020 I finally able to buy a decent PC, but as you know, a pandemic going on and it makes me to focusing just on doing commissions.

Lately I found myself burned out with commissions, and want to draw more freely. I've been trying Fanbox for a year now, and I found that many people want the uncensored stuffs, which isn't allowed on Fanbox/Pixiv.

What will happen now?

I will do my best to upload here, same as Fanbox, the high resolution of my drawing, albeit with the difference that on Patreon side will be uncensored.

Patreon also enabled me to make a stuffs I can't do on the other platform, like polls or limited tiered stuff like behind the scenes, WIPs, etc.

I have reworked all the tiers, basically removing all the unnecessary stuffs for now. Hopefully it will be more clear now and encourages you guys to supporting me.

I will upload my drawing every time I finished one, and the link will be given on the posts instead in the email like I used to do. I will then delete the link on 5th every month and upload it to Gumroad where you can access my previous drawing even the past one.

I will try my darnest best to make a doujin this year, because I really want to make one but my situation didn't allowed it happened easily, and with Patreon I think it will enable me to make one. It will be a short one like 1-4 pages one at first, and hopefully I can make a full book doujin in the future!


I want to give you all my massive thank you form the bottom of my heart for supporting me. if you have any questions, inquiries, or suggestion you can hit me in the comment below.



Glad to have you back, Deras! Will look forward to seeing your works here again ^^


Thank you so much! I will try my best to post more regularly