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Good evening,

I hope you all are well. I've had a few complications for the past couple months. As I said on my Twitter a few times, my grandmother's health suddenly took a nosedive and she was put into end of life care within the week. After that, I was focused on trying to stay in the loop while my aunt and cousin travelled to take care of her along with my siblings. I was looking at tickets to her city when I got the news she passed the day after my birthday. From there on, I stayed with family for a while so we could hold a service and all mourn together. It's been a bit of a struggle to get back to a normal routine from that, but I'm working on it.

For this update, I struggled a bit trying to get the proper asset for the final scene as I couldn't find a background that fit and ended up rewriting the scene a bunch of time trying to use a different one, but it didn't work. I eventually modified a picture that most approximated what I was looking for to turn it from day to night so it could be used here. I hope it's been worth it.

For the next update, we'll be going into Shoichi's route. The assets for his and Keisuke's next adult scenes have already been finished, while one of Haruki's next CGs (not adult one) is the next to be worked on. After that, the sprites for the main three should be reworked sometime soon, though that'll be a bit of a slow endeavor as there are a lot of assets that need to be redone.


  • Days 16 and 17 for Haruki

Download: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/193ORwRV43BJ3E5VH-FC-mV3k53Y6Yoie?usp=sharing




Thank you so much for the update - but be sure to pace yourself after the stressful pass few events! I'm sorry for your loss man, take it easy Basket!

Jammy Dox

I'm sorry for you loss Basket. Take all the time you need to heal and mourn. We'll be here for however long that takes. For this update, I have nothing but praise. I'm really loving the way you write both Haruki and Kiga. Their interactions with Yuuichi feel so fresh and interesting. I'm also loving seeing Haruki open up a bit more. I never really expected to think of Haruki as cute, but the end of this update changed my mind. I'm very intrigued to see where his story goes! Thank you for your continued hard work and for another fantastic update!


I swear I end every Haruki update thinking to myself "Progress! Progress has been made!" Which is exactly what i want to be feeling in a 'romance the outcast' route. Fantastic work here, can't wait to read more.


Loving the route so far! Just a thought about the firework scene, maybe put an epilepsy warning or do something about the flashing lights? Better safe than sorry, and thank you for the hard work Basky with your writting


It still isn't working for me. It might just be a me problem.


Definitely loved this update, keep up the great work, I enjoy both of the canine boyos routes :3


thank u so much for pushing through to give us this update!!! it was absolutely lovely, ugh i love haruki.... ç-ç but also please take care of urself!! your mental health comes first!!!


i'm so happy theres more haruki content, i love him so much and im excited to see more of him!!!