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Hello, everyone,

Well, I figured that I wouldn't be able to set things right until I got as many updates out as possible. So I've been working to try and get an entire update cycle out at once. I'm sorry for the delay. I don't have much left to say since I'm so tired right now.

Hopefully you guys like the updates. I made sure that none of them would be short (I don't want to shorten updates just because I'm crunched for time), so they're three updates of regular length all at once. There might be a few more typos than you guys are used to since the typochecker I used to run in VSCode stopped working and I didn't have time to go over the script over and over like I usually do. Sorry about that too.


  • Day 32 added for Jun
  • Days 34 and 35 added for Keisuke
  • Days 34 and 35 added for Shoichi (when I say this, I mean if you are on route A. If you're on route B or C, the day counter will show a different number).

Download link (folder containing all versions of the update): https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1DkKm4WxI3DUwVCXeWSECbdrXR1FelZtn?usp=sharing




You have to understand that we're not super worried about the builds coming out on time as long as you COMMUNICATE with us. If you stay in touch, if you let us know what's going on, we're not gonna gripe about things being a little behind.

It's Santa Keisuke

like all the others say, don't overwork yourself and one or two months delay are not too bad, unlike to hear nothing from you and make us worry. i will always wait and enjoy your VN, because its one of best in my opinion.


I agree with the others. The delay wasn't an issue. You ghosting us was. Right after another stretch of no news. If you can't make your update times no big deal if you just tell us.


I know that others may disagree, but I don't mind getting charged for a month without an update. I know you rely on the income. I don't need a new build every month. I'm supporting on the promise that, if the worlds allow it, the VN will eventually get done. However long that may take. But, like the others here. I would just like a short update saying you don't have a new build this month, and maybe a short bit on what did get done, even if it was nothing. I don't even need the reasons why. I just would like to be reassured that it hasn't been abandoned. There are too many dead projects in this space, and I get a little nervous.


I don't mean to be picky, but it would be nice if you could add in some additional dialog on Keisuke's route, if we beat Yuuya before the character selection. I was surprised because I redid it and won the match, but it still said I lost. Update: I also did the same thing on Shoichi's route, but I only got what I assumed was the "winning dialogue", regardless of whether I won or lost? Maybe it was just miscoded? Also, during Alex's dialogue at the beginning of the update, one of his lines are missattributed to Akiyoshi. Finally, in Shoichi's route in this update, Yuuichi refers to Shoichi wagging his "towel" rather than tail. Additionally, I loved it when Jun said "break a leg". It's totally innocent within context, but we know what happens on Jun's route, and that little reference is amazing! All in all, I love the updates, and am glad that you are continuing the VN, but you don't owe us anything. It's like everyone else is saying, we just want you to communicate with us. We don't care if we have to wait a little longer, but it would be nice to know that, rather than have to wonder if you just decided to put it on an indefinite hiatus without a single word...


I wonder if the variable for beating Yuuya got mixed up on this update since he mentioned not having time to go back over the script. I beat Yuuya in both the routes where this comes up, but still got dialogue like he won.


I appreciate the width of the update with all three routes. I know you're tired, but you simply have got to understand your audience's grievances. Communication is key, especially with paying customers. As others have said, I don't give a sh*t if I have to wait longer for what has proved to be a fantastic product. More than anything I hope you're okay. I know this has been stressful for you, so take care of yourself.

Kharnos Strayder

No idea how to add to the error document But having the same issue regarding dialog regarding the match against Yuuya in the prefecturals. It acts as if he won when in the play through I did, he lost.


excited, cheers!

Ly Lycanroc

The bois ❤️


this update was very good Jun's story is the one that makes me most curious and excited to see how it will unfold