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Hello, everyone,

First of all, to address the obvious: I am massively late on my updates. This Keisuke update had me with the worst writer's block I've ever had to deal with it. I kept staring at my screen for hours only to write a couple of lines during what kept feeling like an eternity. At a certain point, after I realized just how late I was, I started working on Jun's and Shoichi's updates on the side, trying to progress them whenever I wasn't making progress on Keisuke's.

As a result, because I tried to do all those things at once, I ended up being really, really late. Stupidly late. Stupendously late. I keep falling into the vicious cycle of thinking that I'll be able to hit a creativity spurt and beat the clock by a few hours, failing to do that, telling myself that I don't have to let people know if I just manage to get it done in a few hours, failing to do that AGAIN, and repeating ad nauseam. At a certain point, I stopped even looking at my e-mail because the anxiety kept me from being productive, and I chose to work in silence to try and finish this as soon as possible. That is ultimately my fault, and there isn't anything I can do about it.

Some things I will say: Jun's update is not far from completion. I think I should be able to get it done in about a week. Shoichi's update should take one week or so after that. It'll be tough, but I'll try to get all three updates out this month.

In other news, I've also been working on restructuring the prologue. I intend to 'cut the fat,' so to speak, removing some scenes or in-game days that I felt didn't add much to the plot while injecting some livelihood into other areas. The tennis scenes will be redone with new assets that are in the works (I've attached a few of them as an example) so that I can make more dynamic scenes that will both better grab players' attention while also making the scenes easier to understand (by allowing sprites to be placed on the screen with their position and posture relative to what they are doing on the scene). Nyaruh has been working on these for a few months now, but progress is slow because there are just far too many of them. It was definitely an ambitious request, and we're slowly chipping away at it still.

On another front, I will be releasing the images I commissioned for Patreon exclusive short stories (NSFW content) of Shoichi and Haruki for free tonight (in a separate post) and then posting their accompanying short stories at a later date. I realized that it just doesn't make sense for me to charge for them, considering just how late I am on my work in general. It's a meager apology, but until I catch up on the delayed updates, it's what I can offer.

With that said, I do believe this Keisuke update is good. Not three months' worth of wait is good, but... well, hopefully, you guys will like it.

Once again, I can only apologize for my failure at meeting you guys' expectations. I don't expect people to forgive this quite so quickly, and I know I'll need to earn everyone's trust back.

One question that I would like for you guys to answer: In the future, if I were to find myself similarly blocked writing an update for a specific character, would you guys like for me to skip that character's update and make an update for someone else? Keisuke usually gives me trouble due to how much stuff he has going on in the background that I need to keep track of, how guarded he is, how much he measures his words and actions at all times. It's a huge balancing act to figure out exactly how he would express himself at a given moment, where he would draw the line, etc., but that doesn't necessarily mean it will always be the case and that he will be the only one giving me trouble.

Well, all that massive wall of text aside, here's the changelog for this update:

  • Day 33 added for Keisuke.
  • A few new facial expressions were added for Keisuke (minor change)

TL;DR: Keisuke update took too long. I worked on Jun and Shoichi's updates in parallel whenever I couldn't make progress. Those should be posted in the next couple of weeks. NSFW images of Haruki and Shoichi will be published free of charge tonight, with accompanying short stories coming out hopefully soon. I am very sorry for the delay and lack of communication.

Download link (folder containing all versions): https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1y_E4e1LYobwR1ofUR-QNnrjNUnDnuOWy?usp=sharing




Ayo, personally I think that if you hit a wall or otherwise run into writer's block, it's just not worth it to keep powering through it to finish that particular character's update. It's just gonna drain your energy for little output. Working on other arcs sounds like a good way to free up that writer's block too, while getting other necessary work done at the same time ^_^

Kilik Odagawa

Me over here just vibing knowing full well that Keisuke gives you absolute hell, and you don't like half-assing anything. A Basket update has a one-word definition: QUALITY.


I believe skipping an update for a character would be fine but I think we all want; more communication when you’re falling behind and, if push comes to shove, pause monthly payments if you really can’t get anything out.


You do what you need to do. I'm mainly just glad that you are ok <3

Kilik Odagawa

To carry the thought, it's good to see that you're letting the subconscious solve problems when you run into them. I can't speak to anyone else on the matter, but I'll be here, rain or shine well after the project is over. But please remember, keeping us aware of what's going on is a far cry better than leaving us in the dark wondering. We all love you and TA, and I don't want the drama black holes to come here, too.


I second that. I am happy to find that you are doing ok, and If it takes time, as much as I want more June like madly, I can wait hehe. Do what you need to for your self and hang in there. Life is to short to die early worrying about things. Do what you can when you can and love life.


Glad you're okay! I'm personally fine with whatever story development strategy works best for your creative process.


Don't force yourself, Basky. If you can't get a character's update out, just work on another's. While it *is* cool that you've tried to keep the routes getting rotating updates, it's not worth three months of delay over. So long as it all gets delivered in the end (as in, when the game eventually reaches full release), I think most will be satisfied.


Personally I have no prefrence on how you handle the updates. Even missing updates compleatly isn't a big deal, certainly not worth stressing about. Although next time maybe keep us in the loop.


Hey, Basket! I love this VN, and am so glad to have a new chapter to read. As for writer's block, you shouldn't worry so much. We support you because you're a great writer, and we like reading the stuff you write! It's OK to be late, it happens to the best of us. I get that you end up in an endless loop of telling yourself that you'll power through, but maybe just keep us informed next time? Thanks again for the update!!!


Absolutely. Sounds like the writing was coming out a lot easier for the other two- now this is pure speculation, but I assume progressing the other two allowed you to get into a bit of a roll with Kei’s route. As your backers we don’t mind if these updates are late at times, but please communicate. Maybe say “hey guys, Kei’s route was next but I’m struggling to progress the writing, but I have some ideas to take Jun’s route in the meantime. As such Jun’s route will get updated first to give me some more time to think about Kei”

North Grizz

If an update is really giving you grief then I thiknk it's perfectly fine to switch to a different route. It's better than going up against that brick wall all the time. You can just step away and let things process in the back of your mind as you write something else. It'll be better for your mental and physical health. Writer's block is no joke so you do have to look after yourself.


Hey. Don't beat yourself up over it. I would much rather you take your time to work through the writer's block than stress yourself out and have your mental health suffer. You are sharing your story with us. At the end of the day, none of us have any right to rush your creative process. We're all here supporting you because we enjoy your work. However, in the future some communication would be appreciated.


The only thing I ask is that you just let us know you're having trouble next time. I don't mind the wait and I don't mind supporting you while you're having writers block, just pop us a message letting us know what's happening please. Thank ya~!

Trevor Sizzle

Your cool man we ain't gonna die for waiting longer.


I wouldn't mind if you skip a character's update if it is giving you issues and would reduce your stress levels. But more importantly just keep us in the loop. With the radio silence it really drives conspiracy theories and make us worried something bad happened.

Justice Crescent

No preference for me, I like playing all routes anyways. Stay healthy <3


If you're feeling the writer's block, don't be afraid to tell us and work on the other routes. I want to emphasize this. Do NOT power through it, that's the road to burnout which in the end will only make everything times worse. Just remember, you need to communicate it with us. If something is going on, tell us so we know and what we can expect for the future. Don't burn yourself out, and please don't beat yourself up over this. Just communicate in the future, that's really my only gripe


Okay... look I get it writers block happens, it sucks ass and it can be an absolute bitch to overcome, that part I 100% understand, however nearly THREE months of ZERO communtication is unacceptable, I dont give a damn if the update is late, if it is is, if its even 1 day past its upload schedule, you NEED to just write a little post about it, your community deserves at least that much. It takes just a few words, "hey just letting you all know im behind on the update, I will finish it as soon as I can" something like that would be just fine, just please ffs keep your community updated seriously.


If one of them is giving you a block then I am more than alright with you skipping and coming back to them later. It is not that uncommon for VNs to develop some routes more than others before looping back to all the others


It must be so strange having your community funding you, essentially paying your salary. I can only imagine the pressure to perform you must be feeling. I was half-sure you had fallen into a depression, and that the project might dead, or at the very least on an as yet unannounced hiatus. Others have said it - some said it less elegantly - it would be best if you posted a delay notice. If you're worried it might affect how you work, just a delay notice, otherwise you can write why it's delayed. No communication for 3 months leads people to believe it's all over. Anyway I hope you're well. I've dealt with writers block before. Dreaded writers block that lasted for like 8 years. It's horrible. If you can switch gears and work on another route, I think you're OK.


You cant expect people to be nice all the time, I have said the same thing being nice multiple times now, if he wont listen to that and the many other people saying it nicely, maybe he will listen to just one being an asshole about it for once. Also if you are going to call somebody out, at least have the nads to put my name in there bud. I have a more than fair enough reason to be pissed off at this point.


Do what works best for you :) If skipping to a different character is the better choice, do it. If skipping will cause you more stress than working through the block, don't skip :) So long as you're doing ok, we're good :D

Sign Dhole

I'm glad you're back! Very good idea for the prologue, it's great but it does take a bit to get to the meat of the story. To answer your question, you should definitely skip a character once if you're having trouble, but maybe only once? If a character gets skipped twice it might feel a bit bad. Also, I agree with what the others have said - if you're having a block, don't hesitate to post that you'll have a delay. I'm personally fine waiting months for an update as long as we get reassurance you didn't abandon this ^^ Thanks for coming back despite the anxiety and pressure, I hope things go smoother for you here on out!


i think is a healthy thing for you if you are struggling with a character to skip it that month and center on others especially if you are finding success writing that character, that way we still get content to enjoy the game and you to take your time to write the story as you want them to be without a rush.


I definitely think it's better to switch to another route if you need to. Don't stress over it <3


I know that feeling as a writer, that feeling you get when a massive roadblock just hits you and you start to blank on what you want to write. Especially if your bullheaded(is that the word?) like me and your just to stubborn to work on anything else just makes it 10 times worse. Honestly the best thing to do is to skip on a character's update or just start to focus on one route at a time, because in that case your not juggling three stories at once. Even with the one route to completion route you can also start to framework the others, that's what i've found helpful in my case with writing.

It's Santa Keisuke

if you really hit a writer blockade after one week, then you should skip the character for 1 update so that not much of one character pile up. please let the people know if you have a trouble with writing, so that maybe new supporter know what happend and long support know that things are okay for you.


Hey, not to push, bit it's been over a month since this update, and you said it would only take a week. What happened?

The Smoke House

Not to be dramatic, but a tiny bit of communication would be appreciated. Thanks!


I always trying to be supportive of WOTB in the past. But now its just getting a bit annoying. Ok, i get it. Writers block can be an absolute bitch to deal with and other stuff irl should always come first but for the love of good a few words from the dev now and then wouldnt hurt..


It's sad this VN seems to be on the path to oblivion. I'd also like some communication at this point.


yeah im over the no communication thing, I am just going to wait for the free versions of the updates, i have had enough of the nonsense and the excuses. Tired of paying money for empty promises, I will happily come back if Basky makes an actual effort to communicate better, until then I am no longer supporting the project.


Yup. Im leaving too. Wish it wasnt so, I really loved this story

The Smoke House

I would really appreciate any sort of communication, since you did promise two updates by the end of last month and delivered neither. Sorry if this is irritating or stressful, but I think you at the very least owe some sort of an explanation to the people giving you financial support for this project.

The Smoke House

To follow that, will payments be paused?


"Some things I will say: Jun's update is not far from completion. I think I should be able to get it done in about a week. Shoichi's update should take one week or so after that. It'll be tough, but I'll try to get all three updates out this month." Don't make promises you can't keep. I've been obsessed with TA (bought all the keyrings) and have been a patreon supporter for a long time now. I'm beyond disappointed in the lack of communication. I honestly believe you're just having creative issues, so I won't be too harsh, but when you're charging $10 dollars a month to your higher paying Patreons (I'm personally at the $5 tier), it's unacceptable that you're not even updating us. So please: take 5 mins of your time and let us know. You *will* start losing Patreon supporters soon.


Jesus, you can't keep doing this. Every. Single. Update. You delay, delay, delay, and come up with a half-hearted excuse. If you're losing interest in this project, that's fine, but at least stop taking money for updates that take 3 months to be put out. Patreon has an option to pause payments. Use it. I love this VN. It brought me so much joy in the darkest part of my life, and it hurts to see it go to shit.


The last he was active on Twitter was the 13th of March. So it's been an entire month since he was last active on anything at all, and 3 months of no updates, no content, and missed deadlines.