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When you get stuck at a boring job, sometimes your mind just... wanders. Sometimes you have nothing better to do than appreciate the view. Well, a certain tiger knows all about that...

This story was based on an idea given to me by a friend. I've never been very inventive with scenarios for this kind of thing which is why I had never posted one for so long. How about you guys give me your own ideas for future adult stories? That way maybe I could get these out faster than the speed of a snail.



Scenario idea: Two scouty types backpacking through the woods, hooking up when they start undressing after a hard day of hiking.


That's an interesting scenario. What do you mean by "Scouty type" though? I might be missing something xD


Boy scouts. Or can just be backpackers. really, outdoorsy types who'd be inclined to hike and camp and have illicit nookie about 30 feet from other hikers passing them on the trail.


Here's an idea aswell, how about taking some of the old fairytale stories from way back when, like little red and the big bad wolf ect.. And make it into furry style R18 storries. Could be fun to see what you'd do with them Also gives you a base temple to work from...aka easy('ish) and fun lol