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Hey guys, WOTB/Basket here!

I would like to ask you guys how you guys found out about Tennis Ace at first. The reason for this being that the advertisement time I bought from FA is about to expire and I want to be able to quantify what actual impact it has led into my patronage. Because of that, I'm making a little poll to know where I should better focus my efforts in terms of advertisement. Please help me with this by choosing how you first found out about the game, okay? x3

Thank you all!


Off-White Lynx

Not too sure, I think somehow via twitter? Been here for ages now though :^)


just googled furry vns lol


I found it on a reddit post for recommended furry visual novels.




u18chan for me






Does you directly telling me constitute as "From a friend" in all sense i think it does




I got recommended from the amazing Dynewulf :)


It was recommended by Patreon after pledging to Extracurricular Activities


From you :v


I'm preeeetty sure the one who introduced you to TA was Vic, not me :v


u18chan right at the begining, and when you made a patreon i felt like i could make a diference so here i am ;)


U18chan, i was the user that was put off by Jun's design at first but gave it a try eventually


Itch.io for me I was looking for some visual novels and I saw yours on their site and instantly fell in love with the game and here I am now 😊


Funnily enough I found it when I was looking for a good VN in the VNDb website and let's just say I fell in love with Shoichi's picture when it directed me to your Patreon.


Found it on VNDB , after trying some VN's, i found yours and after playing it i'll decided to support you :D


Found it as a Patreon suggestion after pledging to other furry VN ‘s Patreon pages.


If I remember right i think it was u18can, after seeing one of the comments on how good it was and how it could use a bit of attention, I gave it a look myself and really enjoyed it and pledged sometime after.


I believe it was on the Patreon suggestions when i was looking at other Visual Novels


I'd first seen it on u18chan but I actively tried it after searching for some VNs through FA. I've seen your FA ad, though, but I only really noticed it after I already knew about it. Honestly after their debacle with ads a few years ago I think most people still use ad block on FA.


u18 as well


I found out about Tennis Ace from looking for visual novels and found your patreon.


I played one visual novel, started looking for others, found this one and loved it :P


If I remember well, it was on u18chan.


i find it in youtube


The way I found it is kind of embarrassing... I was really bored and in an incredibly lonely mood one day so just looked up gay furry visual novel on Google. I was linked to a site that had a couple popular VNs. I downloaded all the gay ones that would let me "purchase" them for free. The first one I played was just a demo but the second was this one. I absolutely abhor sports of pretty much any kind so I just knew that i was going to hate this one but, as I stated previously, I was in a depressed, lonely mood was willing to at least look at it. Lemme just say that this is by far the best VN that I've had the pleasure of reading. The story, the characters, even the fast paced action of the sports that I thought I hated, everything is just so... realistically fluid. It doesnt feel just like another romantic VN where you just choose which character you wanna bang and solely work towards the goal of getting into their pants. I honestly dont know what site I got this off of. Google just directed me to some sites, i found the ones that weren't sketchy, and I download as many VNs as I could.

Kamodo Venc

I actually found out about this through another VN, extracurricular activities and it showed this as something else to play and I was like, 'why not'. No regrets.


I just type at Google search "Furry date Sim", and now I'm here, heh ^^

Sakizu Twighlight

I watched a stream from dirk the red panda