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Heya, peeps. So, I want to know what you guys are thinking of the characters now that the Prologue is done. Keep in mind that the character to come out in first place will be the first to get an update once I'm done organizing the game (I will release updates intermittently for the three).

If you just want to vote, that's fine. If you'd like to tell me your thoughts on the characters, that's useful for me too x3



Shoichi is top tier bae obv


Shoichi is my favorite, although I do enjoy the others


im starting to enjoy kei but i must say that sho takes #1


How about D) All of the above :) It's hard to choose. They all have their own distinct traits about them that I love. But when it boils down to it, I have to say Keisuke is my favorite. While I'm not rich, far from it, I do make a bit of money and I find myself in his position a lot. I can relate more with Keisuke than I do the others. ME: Hey, friend, let's go out to eat at the steakhouse. Friend: But I can't see spending $100 per, at the steakhouse. ME: Don't worry about it. I want a great steak. Friend: Nah, that's too expensive. ME: I got it. Don't worry about it.



Phloww Bluegleam

I like all of them as well, but I tend to favor Shoichi because he's the most muscular and the tallest among the three.


Shoichi! :D My List is: Shoichi -> Jun -> Keisuke. I still have to play through your last Update, gotta do that today! I want to see how that Tennis Game goes :3


Aw, looks like Keisuke is the least popular but I like him the most :/


Oh, please, you're so biased towards dog dudes that it's not even funny xD


Well, I'm glad you like the others too xD I really don't know what was it that happened between the last poll and this one that increased the disparity between the characters so much.


Mind telling me why you prefer Sho? I'm still a bit shocked to see that he's so far ahead from the other two :p


Keisuke is the type to want to dote on friends and get pissed off when they don't accept... even though the reason he doesn't make friends with many people is because he always thinks people are after his family's money. Basically, damned if you accept it, damned if you don't :p


Technically, the MC is the most muscular of the guys, but then again, you can't date yourself xD


I hope you'll enjoy it, for sure. And I have to do another poll after this one is over to know who's people's second favorite :p


Hm, was expecting this to be a bit closer than it is. To each their own but I fail to see what Shoichi's appeal is to have this much of a lead. Don't get me wrong all three characters have good and bad points I just find Shoichi kinda boring compared to the other two. People might think I have a personal bias but really Keisuke is by far the most complex and interesting character in my opinion, Jun has a lot of potential to be the dark horse character and end up having the most interesting route, lots of hints already that there are dark times on the horizon there. Shoichi might be the most logical choice from a narrative perspective given his history with Yuuichi, but he's just too obvious a choice in my opinion. No real challenge in getting his attention for that very reason. Really there isn't a bad choice of the three available options so whichever wins I'm sure it will be enjoyable.


I think I'm going to take the opportunity to give a bit of feedback, so no easy answer from me. Initially when I played the game and first met all the characters, I began to mentally fit them into the sort of cliche roles I'm accustomed to. That said, I was delighted when one by one they all began to display facets I hadn't expected to encounter. Ultimately I think what makes these characters so attractive is the naturally 'casual' way they speak to each other. The dialogue between Shoichi, Keisuke, Saya, and our protagonist all feels like real people talking to someone familiar, not characters reading out a stiff and unyielding script. While the whole setting of the game takes place in Japan, which has a very different set of social norms than western civilization, we can still relate to the characters because we can understand the organic manner in which friends to friends, whether they're being serious or silly, formal or informal. While it's just my opinion, I think Jun's popularity may be lagging due to the fact that, of all the cast, he's clearly the most 'anime,' in that he acts most like a character out of a show or manga. Unfortunately this 'problem' (if it even is a problem, and I'm not sure it is as I still absolutely intend to read each and every route written) is compounded by the fact that it's not only his naive and often-clueless nature that makes him appear cartoonish, but also the fact that unlike the rest of the cast he's a newcomer, and thus he doesn't have the familiarity that allows the others to be so informal and relaxed with each other. Each of the characters has a great deal of depth that gets revealed both by spending time with them, and hearing the observations given by other characters, which I think is excellent; It's great that no character is ever entirely neglected, no matter what choices the player makes as to how to spend his time. Ultimately, I can't simply say which of the five (I do include Yuuichi and Saya, because they're so well written) is my favorite, and I think that's something you ought be proud of, and will likely be exploring every path possible so as to get as much of them as I can.


I like Shoichi a lot too, but I really don't understand why he's sooo far ahead of the other two when it comes to the poll xD Still, I hope that as I develop the routes, people will see the characters a little more as I see them (cause there are lots of things about them that aren't known yet) ;3


Oh, wow. Thanks a lot, it really makes me excited when I see someone putting this much thought into feedback for me, and it's also really helpful xD Yeah, with Jun, there's a whole different dynamic where they are friends, but they're also not entirely familiar with each other yet. He's definitely the one with the most things that need to be explored ;3 With that said, there are lot more things about the characters to get revealed (varying by degree of familiarity the MC has with them, of course) so people still have a fair bit to discover! Once again, thanks for putting this much thought into it, it really makes me happy x3


I mean of course I’m biased to dog dudes. That’s a part of why I’m into Shoichi. I obvious do dig the cliche best friend to love interest troupe but also Yuuichi and Shoichi’s interactions with each other. The familiarity and how easy it is for the two of them to just act without restrain around each other, I really dig that. While it may not be as complex as the relationships with Keisuke and Jun would/could get, I legit feel like Yuuichi and Shoichi are best pairing :V


hmm my english might not be good enough to describe feelings but i will try: i find that sho gives the warm feeling of a old friend and also he is pretty charming (also the best looking art related) he is the kind of guy i would want to keep close in real life. kei im starting to like more because he has more "depth" you can see his problems and ambitions, also he doesnt "fully open" wich gives him a more realistic/human feeling. i hope my opinion helps you in any form ;D


To go into a bit of detail, my choice goes Shoichi > Jun > Kei. Shoichi wins for me because he and Yuuichi have the best chemistry, and the most history to draw from (e.g. the whole conversation after the festival about Yamato). I feel like there's more of a connection between them, and the dialogue flows most naturally. Not to mention that I tend to be a sucker for the childhood-friends-turned-lovers trope, probably for that exact reason. Jun gets my second vote because he's the most emotive of the three. He's very much the type of character where he wears his heart on his sleeve. I see him being a total sweetheart, and the type to most enjoy a good cuddle session. I see him as the most passionate of the three. The point I see against Jun, is that he's easily the most stereotypically anime of the three. It might be nice to see him learn to rein things in as part of his character growth, perhaps. That said, Jun is the one who brings out "parental" instincts in me, in that I want to protect him and comfort him. Keisuke is my least favourite, which isn't to say that I dislike him. I tend to find the emotionally distant, standoffish character type to be one of my least favourite in most works. In my head, I hear his lines in a curt, businesslike tone, which does little to endear him to me. I'd personally like to see him learn to open up and be a bit warmer towards others, and get over the automatic distrust he has.


Thanks, I very much enjoyed reading through your feedback x3 It's true that the MC and Shoichi have a special bond crafted through years of close friendship. The others can't quite compete with that, especially because Shoichi is the one to understand the MC the best. That much is true. As for Jun, it's true that he's very overt at times. But he's also as much of an unknown for the. And there is still much the MC has to learn about him (and, as such, the player too). Keisuke's standoffish-ness and distrust is very much engineered through years of abuse and disappointment on his part. Constantly abused by his grandmother, neglected by his father, his entire creation was mostly handled by the house's staff and most of his friends would turn out to only be trying to get close to him because his family had money and they enjoyed the perks of being his friends. Keisuke's route is very much going to be about learn to trust others (this much I can already say because it's a very obvious development that he needs to have xD)


(Accidental early post go!) I'm looking forward to seeing what comes, and I'm of course going to play through everyone's routes. I should preface everything I said there with a big "for now" because my thoughts are very much subject to change as I see more of each of the boys. Going to be keeping an eye on how things develop for sure!