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So, like I've told you guys before, I've been working on a new UI for the game for a little while (since late April, to be honest). I've come up with quite a few WIP over these last two months, but I finally feel like I have a solid design for it, which I'm gonna share with you guys (these are Photoshop Mock-Ups. The only part of the UI that I figured out how to implement on the game was the message box).

I've recently started looking up prices for programmers, because I've been conking my head trying to figure out the programming for this for a while now and I have absolutely squat (you should know that I am no programmer). So, to be honest, while the design is mostly finished, needing only maybe a few tweaks here and there, I still need to figure out a way to implement it into the game (be it eventually learning how to do it myself or saving up to hire a programmer). Still, I would like to show you guys what I've come up with so far for the menus:

Save and Load: http://i.imgur.com/R4zd7sW.png / http://i.imgur.com/95Qdzan.png
Settings: http://i.imgur.com/CBOQxXW.png

There are still things like the Gallery Menu (which would, in all honesty, look just like the Save/Load menu for when I finally have CGs) and the Log (which would just be an overlay that shows up over the scene). Also, I would have you guys know that the image being show on the background of the title screen is just a placeholder. I plan on placing one of the CGs in its place (I'll have you guys know that I've already asked for my artist to make two of them).




The UI looks really good, and for just being a place holder the title screen looks awesome so good work all around. As a suggestion, you might consider getting in touch with some of the other VN creators on here and asking for tips in regards to programming or any recommendations for a decent and affordable programmer. Ultimately it's your choice though so what ever you decide to do is fine.


Thank you. I already know a few creators (even a few programmers, though they don't work with Python itself), but they couldn't really offer much help. The programmers said they'd need to study Ren'Py for quite a bit to figure out how to do it.


Makes sense, it probably is a little different for everyone. Still good luck with figuring out everything there.